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09 Dec 2011
I don't know how to install from .img fi..
>>  show
22 Nov 2011
How to install Taj os in my pc. and ..
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21 Oct 2011
TAJ seems to lock up in boot using Bochs..
>>  show

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  Hossein  22 Jun 2010 11:51:04 PM IST

 first of all i thank you for these great infos and tutorials . i really admire you .
i have a request which i would be very thankful if you answer it ,
that is would you give a full explanation on FAT itself , i mean fat table, there are couple of reserved places and stuff which i couldnt find any relevant info about them , in each tutorial i searched, they kept saying they are reserved, the question is what are there reserved for and whats the idea behind it ?
i would be very thankful if you do me a favor and have a topic on this.
Best Regards

  Jason Butler  16 Jun 2010 06:46:21 PM IST

 In order to get the Hello World bootloader to work I had to add the lines
before putting HelloString into the SI register

  Deepesh  16 Jun 2010 10:51:33 AM IST

 Dear Taj,
The perfect notes are combinations of text & video,i am happy to say that text is perfact but it needs some extra ppt or graphical or diagramatic approach.

thank you

  Shubham Shukla  25 May 2010 10:21:20 PM IST

 Hello Viral,

I am a grad student at Texas Tech and I personally found your blogs to be really very insightful. So, thought of dropping you a quick note to thank you for the same.

Also, I have a quick question for you. Since, I am also planning to design a small OS for my x86 machine, can you please suggest me some good implementation book on OS? I know there are many books on OS concepts, but I want one which talks more on the implementational aspect.

Thanks again for all your help and I am really looking forward to hearing bak from you.


  Abhilash Sahu  26 Apr 2010 11:41:38 AM IST

 will u help in virtual server as well as network socket and hubs coding throw ..C

  Abhilash Sahu  26 Apr 2010 11:38:02 AM IST

 thanks to give important info which I need .
actualy it is effective info........

  Scott  22 Apr 2010 06:30:07 AM IST

 Hello, could you please please do some of your C stuff in Assembly. I know your OS is in C but mine is in Assembly and i can't convert C to Assembly. It gives me the biggest headaches.


  Koranonta  08 Mar 2010 02:13:07 PM IST

Great OS Stuffs.
Do you plan to release the source code for the Taj OS?

Best Regards

  Affiss  15 Feb 2010 08:15:59 AM IST

 HI ,

great articles on OS , truly neat

however i've discovered something rather weird ...which is that the third boot loader example which is supposed to print a full null terminated string "Hello World" to the screen , Does NOT seem to work !

what makes this even more strange is that when i load this boot sector using bochs (which is an 80x86 emulator) the code runs absolutely flawless as expected , truly weird ?!

did anybody else notice this same debacle ?
btw i've tried nasm as well as yasm (all producing flat bin files) then raw written to a USB key using DD on linux

from what i've gathered some far is that any code that references memory locations such as "mov si,your_data" seems to return null memory locations.

i should also mention that the previous 2 examples worked , also worth mentioning is that the 3rd was assembled as is.


  (((1/f)))  13 Feb 2010 12:11:01 PM IST

 Thank you for these tutorials, they are very helpful.

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Real mode
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CHS to LBA Translation
FAT File System
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Writing Hello World Bootloader
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