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09 Dec 2011
I don't know how to install from .img fi..
>>  show
22 Nov 2011
How to install Taj os in my pc. and ..
>>  show
21 Oct 2011
TAJ seems to lock up in boot using Bochs..
>>  show

Please give your valuable comments to me. For those who know me, can give comments about me. Or you know about TAJ then you can comment about it. Or you can comment about this web site. You can give your valuable tips about everything.

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  Anurag  14 Oct 2007 02:49:02 PM EDT

 Hey Viral,
Your OS image isn't booting on vmware. Is it expected behavior?

  Anurag  11 Oct 2007 01:00:16 AM EDT

 Hey Viral,

I was just looking for some OS development information, and stumbled at your site through some wiki. Its nice that you've done this amazing work. I, myself am thinking to begin some in this direction.

Though right now I have nothing concrete, and I've gone through a lot of grub stuff, and will be beginning to read about the kernel, etc. If you could give me pointers/links/tutorials/information/insights about how to go about it, it'd be great.

I read about your project being a one man show, and I would have been interested to join. But right now, I don't know if I am worth. So, I'll try my hands with something from scratch and then if I achieve something, I'll get back to you regarding joining forces.


  Vandy  30 Sep 2007 02:35:09 PM EDT

 chalo........... here comes another miracle from the great genius..... keep up the good work dude....... hoping to learn more new things from u........ good luck for ur future n may god bless u...........

  Nitin  22 Sep 2007 11:25:59 AM EDT

  Good job. Keep it up. And what is it about the limitations of C ? and Linux ? OOPS ? classes ? As an end user of Linux with Beryl, who cares. Beryl rocks ! I dont see any limitations.
Keep going !

  Rohan Kaluskar  14 Sep 2007 02:26:26 AM EDT

  Yo Bro...nice site...was just goin thru archives n stuff....nice things u hav got here pal.....just chkd the "counting ON bits without a loop" thing....thts incredible.....keep up the gud wrk bud

  Prof. Dr. Rumpel  31 Aug 2007 04:19:57 AM EDT

  Dear Mr. Patel, interesting to study Your website. Will this be an OpenSource project or a closed source project? I told my students that there is probably also a freeware OS with closed source.

  Pradeep Yadav  24 Aug 2007 08:26:16 AM EDT

  Oh my goodness.........
first time visited ur site.....
I never knew about it, simply awesome....falling shorts of words to depict my surprise......
Hats off......!!! buddy, what r u doing in infy.......
when r u flying off......

  Mitesh Patel  21 Aug 2007 06:02:02 PM EDT

  hi viral,
it was a nice surprize to realize that now OS's are also being developped in india. if it doesn't bother u please forward me your brief profile. i am a linux nubee and much interested in opensource development. any suggestion would b welcome as well...

  Abhishek Tyagi  17 Aug 2007 08:12:33 AM EDT

 hi viral,
though i thought i knw most of happening things arnd in tech world... but ur blogs made me learn lots many thngs...
gr8 informations..
thnks, i learnd a lot!

  Anand Prajapati  17 Aug 2007 07:51:48 AM EDT

 Hey viral..saw yr efforts in the tajOS design..m really flattered that someone is really working in this domain..keep up the good work..
btw i too feel that OS world still requires more innovation..sicne linux/windows have become bloated and offer less innovation..
m really impressed by yr efforts..thanks.

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