Struts2 Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Struts 2 Action Chaining example

In Struts 2, sometimes you may want to process another action when one action completes. For example on successfully submitting a form you want to render output from other action. This is called Action...

Struts 2 Tip: Override Default Theme

Recently I came up with a requirement in Struts 2 to display a particular form with some style and alignment. While creating the form the developer had used Struts 2’s taglib /struts-tags to paint...

Struts2 Interceptors Tutorial with Example

Struts2 Interceptors Tutorial with Example

Welcome to Part-5 of 7-Part series where we are discussing different aspects of Struts2 Framework. In the previous article we saw how to integrate Tiles framework with Struts2. Today we will explorer the world...