android sdk Tutorials, Tips & Tricks

Android Preferences Activity example

Android Preferences Activity example

Android application often needs settings that allow users to modify preferences in app. Android provides a powerful framework to manage user preferences. It allows us to define the way we want preferrences and it...

How To Enable Camera in Android Emulator

How To Enable Camera in Android Emulator

By default when you create an Android Virtual Devices (AVD) in Android, the Camera is disabled. So if your application uses Camera API, it might not work properly in Android Emulator. Also SDCard must...

Android 1.5 released: Preview SDK & feature list

Android 1.5 released: Preview SDK & feature list

Android Developers Blog annouced today the availability of Android 1.5 SDK. Although this version seems to be complete and finish, Google warns it might change few APIs. The Android 1.5 platform will include many...